Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Recent Art

This is what's been keeping me amused lately.......

I love putting paint canvas. I find it very therapeutic when I'm feeling stressed.

I am thinking of framing these 2, maybe with a dark grey painted timber... or not. What do you think?

I recently asked a new blogger I had discovered if she would mind me mentioning her blog. I have sadly forgotten the web address and name of her blog. If you are reading this and it was you, please leave a comment, thanks.


Friday, February 4, 2011

White Spray Paint :o)

I had fun with my can(s) of white spray paint last week although I don't particularly enjoy the overspray up the nostrils, but enough about my nasal orifices (that is the plural for orifice. It is pronounced orificees - I know this is true because I googled it).
Moving right along.....
This urn was $8 at my favourite treasure store.

Here it is before in all it's green grecian glory (love me some alliteration)

... and after

A pretty timber mirror before....

and after.

Actually I just realised I didnt spray this mirror. I painted it grey and then dry brushed lightly with white paint.

Another pretty white painted mirror alongside my $10 tureen.

This beauty (below) has been awaiting a coat of paint for quite some time. Finally it's day to shine has come.....

I have propped it up in the living room. I would love to know what you all think. Do you like the white mirror....

or the one below????

I am leaning towards the white.
Notice I still have to finish painting one of the lamp tables. Oh and I bought new shades for my ginger jar lamps and added a navy trim to them.
